Meryl Taradash
Sculptures of Light and Wind
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Place of Ascent
Shaped hollow aluminum atop stainless steel
16 3/4" h atop a Painted 2 1/2" Orb x 4 1/2" diameter Black Painted Base
Place of Ascent redefnes an existing architectural motif and creates a new one. The
obelisk as conceived by the Egyptians was an affirmation of life and its renewal.
It was also utilized as a noon marker.
Three strands of metal coalesce into a spiraling obelisk which continues soaring
upwards tapering to an infinite point. A large sphere of metal provides a support
upon which my unique abstraction appears to perfectly balance.This narrow point,
where the spiraling obelisk meets the sphere, is quite small, tentative and
seemingly defies the natural laws of balance.